
Be Still and Know...Artwork

What to do with blank canvases and wood chip letters? Make wall artwork of course! I am currently taking a Elements of Design class that has really gotten me in an art minded mode where I am consistently looking for new inspiration with color, words etc. I have been really wanting to make a bible verse inspired artwork for the dorm and found this great pin that was simple and did not that was simple, used some elements of design inspiration and looks great.

The verse inspired by "Be Still and Know" is Psalm 46:10:

 "He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth.”

  • Acrylic Paint (I just used blue and white to mix my own colors)
  • Canvas - any size you choose
  • Chip Chatter Tall Adhesive letters (The color does not matter since you are painting over them)
  • Paintbrushes (I used size 4)

First take your letters and position them as you would like on your canvas. Then peel off the stickers and place them on the board. Then take your blue and white (or whatever color you want to fade) and mix a light blue to paint at the top part of your painting. Then when you decide you want to transition the colors, place blue on your pallet (or whatever surface you are mixing colors on) and only and a bit of blue to your mic to get a slightly darker blue to begin fading. 

With this part you really just have to play around with how dark you want to make your bottom shade of blue. In order to blend take your paintbrush and stroke back and forth the light and dark blue so if flows easily.

Once you have painted to your hearts desire, you now have a beautiful new piece of artwork to display for all to see!